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Evyesonik / Ultrasonic Washing Technologies


Areas of Use

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Technical Specs

Antibacterial. Neutralizes bacteria, virus and microbes by producing ultrasonic waves.

Cleans agriculture chemicals from raw fruits and vegetables without hand contact Neutralizes bacteria like salmonella, e-coli, coliform.

Cleans dishes without using detergents. Reduces therefore the carcerogen risks and provides hygienic environment for children.

Cleans the most hard to get to zones of the objects with a complex geometry.

Desinfects feeding bottles, nipples, cuilers used for babies.

Cleans dantella and delicate textile products.

Keeps pests away from the kitchen because of the ultrasonic waves emissions.

Can be used to clean jewelery (ring, necklace...).

Cleans the coffee and tea stains from cups and glasses used for a long time.

Cleans network water from bacteria, coliform, salmonella and viruses.

Desinfection effect attested by the Egean Industrial and Food Analysis Laboratory, on 23.11.2007, ref : 074100.

Evyesonik - Ultrasonic Washing Technologies - %99 Antibacterial, %99 Steril, %75 less energy, %75 less water, %75 less time, %75 less detergent Atatürk Sanayi Bölgesi, Alpaslan Sok 7
Arnavutköy-Hadımköy / TÜRKİYE

Tel: +90 212 295 44 88 - 295 44 89
321 11 40 - 321 11 41
Faks: +90 212 294 93 53
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