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Evyesonik / Ultrasonic Washing Technologies

Areas of Use

Technical Specs

Sinks suitable for application

Evyesonik Brochure
   Documentation (EN)

Evyesonik Versions

Evyesonik exists in 3 different models : Under-the-Sink, Embedded, and Compact.

1- Evyesonik • Under-the-Sink

During the construction of the kitchen, upon request of the customer, Evyesonik can be installed on any type of Sink. Totally invisible from the exterior, the systsm is accessible through the cabinet doors under the sink.

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2- Evyesonik-C • Compact Model

The compact model is not mounted in any place of the kitchen. This portable model can be used in any place and is easy to carry.

Evyesonik - Ultrasonic Washing Technologies - %99 Antibacterial, %99 Steril, %75 less energy, %75 less water, %75 less time, %75 less detergent Atatürk Sanayi Bölgesi, Alpaslan Sok 7
Arnavutköy-Hadımköy / TÜRKİYE

Tel: +90 212 295 44 88 - 295 44 89
321 11 40 - 321 11 41
Faks: +90 212 294 93 53
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